I am biting the lips of Time,
Ripping my coat of desire,
I grab your kiss like it’s mine,
Burning my sins in your fire🔥.

I am biting the lips of Time,
Ripping my coat of desire,
I grab your kiss like it’s mine,
Burning my sins in your fire🔥.
Emotions are anorganic dreams that give identity to our soul.
There is motion in emotions. Our actual experience of performing and receiving emotions implies the vibrant movement of feelings and sensitivities. Emotions can’t be static because they leave the ermetic land of cognition in order to re-adjust themselves on their way to accomplish their controversial and sentimental livelihood.They are in continuous transformation within our privileged self, the one responsible for projecting emotions into the outright touchness of the irrational ground of our mind capable to reach the spirited part of the soul.Emotions evolve into feelings if they are not obstructed by reason or by external ill behaved entities of animosities that install the state of coercion upon our stream of passionate virtues.It is the emotions that shape the passion that grows into an unpremeditated evaluation of our desires.There are ascending emotions that make our mind grow and our soul levitate, conveying either a colloquial and consistent happiness or an unbearable beautiful elation.These kind of emotions enter somptuously into our inner heart, reversing our cognitive and behavioural routine, injecting sublime frenzy, regal tumult and anticipated joy into our core of passion.The most accurate epitome of ascending emotions is the one caused by love itself in its multiple configurations. Falling in love creates a dazed and confused thrill similar to that of winning the lottery, presenting the most attractive foolishness that serves the purpose of achieving an ephemeral glory. It’s more like a simple kiss that absorbs the fuel of the universe in a second.The most powerful emotions surround this kiss; they manifest themselves before and after the kiss itself, encapsulating the kiss in a pure and devotional energy of love. If we are lucky, this kiss will be the foreplay of true Love which will invade our mind and senses till it turns into a growing climax of abandoned desires focussing on the governing emotion of promising happiness.If luck doesn’t reach us,our emotions will be deserted,being replaced by the chemistry of lust. The emotions’ movement aims at a constant construction of unexpectedness that borders an infinite desire of experimentation, craving for a miracle.The ascending emotions build the paratext of passion directing us outside of our world, in a place of closeness.The incessant refrain of merriment, the substance of metaphysical centerpiece of bliss lies in the shape of favourable emotions making the most baffled appearances: the one of a seductive breath on its way to the lover’s ear, a restricted caress of a loving hand, an impossible dream, a superb weakness in front of the loved ones, a startle when our beloved blindfold us, a twisted pain in a besotted stomach,a mindless fit of jealousy, a erratic hug, an uplifting hand on our shoulder,an adored whisper of endearment, a dear and unexpected visit in the middle of the night, a friendly wag from our dog, an idle afternoon nap or a sudden epiphany of God’s reality.Ascending emotions bear a magic fatality in them; they were born out of sustainable pleasure at the highest form of happiness, surpassing the limits of an ordinary desire. The hedonism of favorable emotions gains its popularity among the positive heresies of our soul by its components of well-being that hold the devotion to the pursuit of the pleasure of our senses.But the favourable emotions don’t exclude pain; it’s not about the pain we know,but the one endowed with the devine dimension of hypnosis,the one that appears when all the regular symptoms of emotions are evacuated and makes us painfully happy.We are talking about the favourable emotions that pass the limitations of pleasure, reaching the ultimate instance of passion that makes them turn into agonizing delights. Ascending emotions react as joy of life, like the thrill of the first date that happens all over again.When an emotion touches the highest emotive prestige it will flourish into an apotheotic psychological pain (referring to “pathos” in the ancient Greek philosophy).This aspect of pain doesn’t arise from an unfortunate event but from a peak of human passion revealing the crashed intensity of longing that commutes the fondness into the fear of losing the protagonist of the affection or of the evanescence of the emotional marvel.It is like life :even it has a positive course,you are still afraid of the imminent danger of death.The ascending emotions are highly spiritual,capturing the silence of the noise,the devine disposition of soul enlightenment,the colour of your thoughts, the vibrating symphony of your senses and your mind, the overwhelming occurrence of happiness,the celestial energy of the universe giving us the power of life.We intend to make a distinction between the ascending and descending emotions analysing their consistency of a bildungsroman, describing the evolution of emotions on their way to become feelings.Descending emotions are the ones that linger in a place of darkness where our soul is a ripped off from too much suffering or for fear that it won’t feel what it has lost never ever again.These are the emotions that we have to look at from the distance to see them better. These painful emotions are the ones that purify the essence of our heart by constructing the marginalia of our pain ,reinforcing the sovereignty of our feelings.The memory of these emotions will perpetuate the pain over the years in the silence of our soul, like in an emotional confinement.The descending emotions have to be felt all over again until they lose their intensity and turn into friendly flashbacks.These emotions give us the opportunity to become yourselves, to fumble into the corners of our soul in order to find the power of acceptance.Once we have compassion for our emotions we could isolate the anger until it occupies the hemisphere of remarkable gratitude of self-awareness.The philosophy of grief includes the trajectory of lamentation that is in search of soul justification of mourning. Mourning is the most important stage of soul recovery.The descending emotions such as a human loss or a painful disease evoke a competitive enmity of our neighbouring grief until our vulnerability is suffocated by acceptance .In order to activate the power of our vulnerability be tolerant to our pain and our emotions will ascend again.In the alchemy of our soul, the descending emotions are expected to request a solving plan, a resurrection or a healing system that counterattack the pain. Tears are responsible for purging our emotional structure in a highly sensitive intervention of natural cleansing. This ritual conveys a long and liberating emotional route.In case of descending emotions we know exactly where to find their defensive system but what about the ascending ones? How are we going to fight their dark side if they don’t have a defensive system ? When it comes to positive emotions we don’t expect a sad outcome and on account of their unexpected result, our reactions will reach perplexity and no methodology to tackle the underworld part of their emotional iceberg.So, our only choice is to build defense out of hopes or distractions. If we are not in a position of change an unpleasant denouement , distracting ourselves will be beneficial.Positive emotions could be more destructive than the descending ones because we are not able to see an immediate danger menacing our soul enchantment. The peril of the ascending emotions is well hidden in their beauty.But, Life without emotions is flat, dull and it leads to the state of dying inside. Emotions represent the spring of life, the illuminating ornaments of our personal consciousness. They tailor our spiritual avenue towards the kingdom of our true selfdom. An emotion could be either a God’s or a Devil’s concubine, it depends which is your position towards it.Without emotions we just exist but we don’t really live. So,don’t get embarrassed by your own emotions! Notions make life logical,emotions make it magic A life without emotions is like a bookcase without books. But, if we want that our emotions be beneficial for our life we don’t have to just live them but to explore them. Emotions,either good or bad are majestically kept in the captivity of our soul.LET YOUR EMOTIONS BE PART OF YOUR LIFE! AND…. DON’T FORGET!EMOTIONS HAPPEN WHEN THINGS DON’T TURN OUT THE WAY WE EXPECTED!
Disclaimer :Please, my fellow psychologists, don’t be offended by this! It is not about you, but about those who recognise themselves in it! :).I have a lot of appreciation for the psychologic field, but I felt necessary to spot some downfalls regarding the way some psychologist perform their honourable duties.
In modern times, the relationship between you and your inner self is defined by the psychoanalytic interventions of a powerful, mind-blowing Psychologist.
It is this so called expert in the matters of mind and soul who organises your emotional garbage in order to be presentable to yourself and to the society that is striving to find the right psychological tag for each of you.
Long live our Social Saviours, the Mighty Gurus who direct our minds beyond the comprehensive limitations, turning ourselves from the brokenhearted victims to self-assured heroes of our times.
The lavish provider of psychological wisdom, the true liberator of your human emotions is the psychologist itself who is able to label scientifically all your psychoses like they were his/hers.
The more complicated the names of these illnesses are ,the more therapeutic sessions you need, but the good part is that you ll have at least a scientific case to your ordinary depression.
I am just wondering how people could survive for so many years without being acquainted to their psychological distress, without talking to a specialist and without taking any medicine capable to provide a specific order in people’s disorders.
Anyhow, today the psychologists are more fashionable than God, because God doesn’ t know to advertise himself as skilfully as them.
In general, people are inclined to turn to God only in the matters of absolution , but not for seeking solutions /(soul)utions to help their astray minds.
Actually, God and psychologists have the same area of expertise, but due to the fact that the world has evolved tremendously, its point of interest has moved from spiritual necessities to economic priorities.
Nowdays,the representation of the world’s normality is different and the business of the soul and mind evolves according to the society’s set of mind.
God seems to be overrated, especially in the urban settings. His response doesn’t come easily to you, you have to pay attention, to read signs, in opposition to the one coming from the psychologists that is delivered straight away , sometimes unexpectedly, without even being claimed.
In a mercantile society, the fact that you pay for getting answers offers you a kind of warranty from an established authority, even if God does the same thing for free.
God has been dealing with darkness, seen as a bleak realm of sins and of the maleficent deeds since immemorial times.
Psychologists,on the other hand intervene to purge the burdens of our thoughts that reside in the dark side of our mind. So, practically they act in the same field.
The psychologists convey a clinical, systematic, extrovert analysis of our mind, offering true antibodies to fight depression and all life’s setbacks .
But,I do believe in an interventionist God, as Nick Cave might say, who involves directly in everything in the world ,having a magic attitude towards misfortunes, by taking his time.
It is the psychologists who set depression under the umbrella of pathology, putting all the blame on you,and you alone, in comparison to God who transfers the blame on the nosy Devil who is inclined to mess things up.:).He definitely knows how to assuage things.
I feel the honourable necessity of explaining that God the way I see him is not linked to religion but to spirituality.
Anyway, I prefer God for his peculiar sense of humour and for letting me do things in my own time. He doesn’t deal with trauma, but with love and faith.
In my case,God did his job magnificently,in a subtle manner, being there all the time and I didn’ even have to come out of the house. He taught me silently to appreciate love by its absence,performing the miracle of waking me up from the darkness of my soul.
It was God who made me turn to my inner self, to discover the power of my soul, without a middleman, and to perform a sincere introspection . I didn’t have to be terrified about divulging my best hidden secrets to a stranger.
I love the intimacy I have with God, he knows how to keep secrets and it is not obliged to do it only by his professional ethics.
God makes you return to your own self in your own time, not forcing you to follow a well-established emotional route.
But I won’t be so of vindicative, stiff and harsh with our dear psychologists.
Good news is not all of them fall in the category depicted above. I have had the privilege to meet a psychologist who has an inbuilt God in herself, combining beautiful science as the cognitive matter with the natural input of spirituality.
So, the secret for making our deep or superficial miseries bearable is a Godly psychologist, the one who is able to manage and spot the spirituality of science and the sience of spirituality in a majestic infusion of empathy.
We keep forgetting therapy is not cheap, therefore, for some individuals it’s not accessible from pecuniary point of view. That’s why we need a backup plan.
In my life experience, I have identified a psychological downfall of therapy. It has an egocentric approach destined to offer the best method to be in harmony with your inner self no matter what,stressing on the philosophy that you are the most important person in your life ,which is correct.
But,I would dare to make a small completion: you are the most important person in your life but don’t forget to cherish your humanity!, because you can’t leave alone and it is not flattering for your soul to make up with your own self but not taking into consideration that you are hurting the others during your process of healing.
This After me , the deluge ! kind of attitude can’t be the purgative solution for preparing you to get tuned to yourself.
The secret for surpassing the wounds of your mind and soul is inside you; first, you have to try to introduce yourself to you properly.
But don’t forget you all have the supreme benefit of doubt and if you feel like inducing your (Soul)itude, invite God to join you in that!
For me, the most efficient psychologist is God. it is known that the spiritual values are responsible for a long lasting mental health.
Thus, a psychologist’s spiritual turn it would be beneficial for both performers of the psychological act: for the one who needs healing will be salutary because he will be invited on a path he knows and for the specialist itself because he will be able to establish a true connection based on a mutual place of spirituality.
In the beginning, psychology was considered the study of the soul but in the long way to its self- discovery ,the initial sense was lost and it was replaced by a dry etiology.
There are different kinds of psychologists, some of them go by the book as teachers go by the curriculum, but only those who are able to see beyond the restrictions of a textbook and of the epistemic guidelines could change the perspective upon human soul and mind. Improvisation could create new dimensions in any field.
The psychologist is able to make you connect to your solitude but the only one who can determine you to make peace with yourself is God (don’t forget that things are better seen from above) or:
….. Psychologists and God together. They should get united in the secret path of soul alleviation and when one is missing the other one could step into the picture.